What is Business Strategy?
Business strategy determines where and how a company will compete. Strategic market management helps the business cope with change, forces a long-range view, and makes resource allocation decisions visible. Strategic Market Management by David Aaker Due to rapid pace of change in the marketplace, strategic planners must be nimble and forward looking. New competitors emerge every day and new technologies disrupt previous ... -
The Elements of a Business Plan
The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide by Brian Ford A business plan is not only a way to develop ideas about the course of a business, it is also a retrospective tool which can be used to evaluate progress and a vehicle for raising money. As both a pragmatic and forward looking document, business plans must be both accurate and ... -
Strategic Marketing
Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations by Mohr, Sengupta, and Slater Mohr, Sengupta, and Slater present a proactive approach to marketing in Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations and write that “at its heart, marketing is a philosophy of doing business that reflects shared values and beliefs about the importance of creating value for customers by solving meaningful problems.” Marketing ... -
Marketing’s Fifth “P”
The Four Pillars of Profit-Driven Marketing by Leslie Moeller and Edward Landry Profit: Marketing’s fifth “P” The lack of focus on ROI within the discipline of marketing is the core theme of The Four Pillars of Profit-Driven Marketing. The authors point out that marketing professionals do not pay enough attention to hard metrics to guide their work and investments. Moeller and ...